Summer Solstice is here. We will enter the twenty-seven days of hot summer season in Chinese Lunar Calendar.
These twenty-seven days of hot summer season (begins around July 11th and ends around August 7th) is the best time to treat chronic conditions such as asthma, allergic reactions, joint pain due to cold weather, and even susceptibility to the common cold.
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Our digestive system is a tremendously important factor to our health and wellbeing, especially if we’re concerned with weight loss. Digestive problems affect a lot of other aspects of our lives which is why it’s so important to make sure that we do everything we can to assure that we have a strong stomach and well-maintained digestive system. When our stomach is healthy, it has the ability to transform food into valuable nutrients that our body can use and turn into energy. However, when our digestive body is weak or blocked, our body doesn’t receive all the nutrients it needs or even worse, it doesn’t properly eliminate the foods we consume which leads to long-term weight gain.

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Winter time is traditionally known as a time for rest and storing which is how hibernation originated. However, winter is the perfect time to feed our bodies with wholesome, healthy foods that build up our nutrient reserves, boost our immunity and fight inflammation. This a great time to restore and repair our body. If we take the time to rest and restore our body during the winter, when spring rolls around we’ll be ready for the longer days with more energy requirement. Our body will be well nourished and have the energy it needs to be more active.

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Emotional eating, overeating, binging, purging, comfort food… There are many ways to describe the action of turning to food when dealing with different emotions. However we choose to call it, the negative effect it has on our bodies is the same. Not only is it a very addictive habit, it is also one that harms our body quickly and over time.

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It’s often been argued that not eating after 7 p.m is what’s best for us and our health. Chinese medicine has a very set mindset on this and it agrees that in order to be healthy and have a healthy digestive system, it’s best to avoid eating at night. In Chinese medicine, qi (energy) circulates throughout our body through twelve main channels. For each channel, there is a two hour period during which the energy is the strongest.

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