Acupuncture for Stress, Sleep, and Hand Tendonitis

"My injury came from travelling. I couldn't barely brush my teeth. I couldn't put a spoon into my mouth."

"I was just in excruciating pain and Dr. Song used the needles. She made me feel very comfortable as to my first acupuncture experience. By the end of the week I was gaining an almost full mobility of my hand."

"Dr. Song was quick with the diagnostic process. She was trying to see if the stress in my hand or whether the pain in my hand was related to the stress of my body."

"She really makes you feel comfortable when you come in initially, and walks you through the whole process so that you don't feel uncomfortable."

"The acupuncture through the Chinese herbs she used was very effective as well."

"I was surprised by how immediate I responded to the treatment. I was having trouble sleeping, I was having tremendous anxiety. After the very first session, I went to bed and slept as I never slept before. It was remarkable."