Unidentified Autoimmune Disorder
A 38 year-old female with a compromised immune system, has chronic
auto-immune neutropenia, as well as other auto-immune conditions, such
as joint pain, fatigue, and hypothyroidism. Her family has a
history of auto-immune conditions, and due to her low white blood cell
counts, she is very susceptible to sinus infections. She was
administered Neupogen shots in September 2007, those of which were
able to increase her white blood cell count, but were not able to
sustain these increased counts. She has endured various tests
for lupus that have turned out negative. Her oncologist and
hematologist are uncertain as to what her exact diagnosis might be,
and in turn are not sure how to approach her condition. She had
chronic sinus infections from November to January and was admitted
into the ER multiple times for fever, fatigue, and sinus
congestion. These physicians recommended that she try
Chinese Herbal Medicine, and she then made her first appointment with
HolliBalance Well-Being Center.
After the initial evaluation in early February, she still had a
residual sinus infection. From the Chinese Medicine point of view,
this autoimmune condition had been derived from long-term emotional
stress since early childhood. She then contracted a virus from
her son during the first month of treatment at HolliBalance.
However the symptoms of the sinus infection that had been engendered
from contracting this virus were not as severe as her previous
Nov.-Jan. symptoms due to her treatment at HolliBalance, which
included acupuncture once a week and a customized herbal drink taken
daily. During the sinus infection, another customized herbal
drink addressing sinus infection as well as improving her immune
function was made. After one month of combined treatment, her
energy greatly improved and she also went back to work. Her
emotions have also been much more stable, although during March she
had had a death in her family and was distressed from the tension with
her sister and mother. In April, she had her white blood cell
count checked, and it was 3300 cells/uL, up from 2000. She had
an additional test in May and her count was 3700, meaning that her
count did not fluctuate, as with the Neupogen shot, but has increased
steadily. She now received acupuncture biweekly and still takes
her customized herbal formula daily, and she has not had any recurring
sinus infections.